Protests: Truth Alliance Urges Youth to Avoid Terrorist Manipulation

Press release 16 (Nigeria)

Protests have erupted across northeast Nigeria, with citizens in Borno and surrounding states taking to the streets to voice their anger over increasing hunger and dissatisfaction with governance. The demonstrations, which are part of a larger wave of unrest spreading across Africa, have led to widespread violence and destruction in many parts of Nigeria.

In Borno State, the situation escalated as insurgents infiltrated the protests, leading to a bomb explosion in Kawuri Village that claimed 16 lives. The state’s governor has attributed this violence to some groups exploiting the chaos to further their agenda. In response to the unrest, authorities have imposed a 24-hour curfew in Borno, Yobe, and Kano states, especially where private and public properties have been looted and vehicles set ablaze.

The Truth Alliance, a coalition of civil society organizations dedicated to exposing the recruitment tactics of terrorist groups, has issued a stern warning to young people in the region. The organization cautions against being lured by terrorist groups that use moments of unrest to recruit vulnerable individuals, encouraging them to join their ranks under the guise of revenge against the government.

“The violence we are witnessing is a stark reminder of how quickly situations can be exploited by those with malicious intent,” a spokesperson for Truth Alliance said. “We urge the youth in Borno and the northeast to reject violence and engage in peaceful demonstration or dialogue as It is crucial to understand the tactics used by terrorist groups to manipulate and recruit.”

The protests in Kano saw demonstrators storm and loot a Digital Innovation Park scheduled to open soon, according to Communications Minister Bosun Tijani. The unrest has also spread to the capital city of Abuja, and the neighbouring Niger State, where police fired tear gas to disperse crowds as reports indicate, and at least six people have died.

Truth Alliance emphasizes the importance of education and awareness in combating the influence of terrorist organizations. The coalition calls for constructive engagement with community leaders, civil society organizations, and government representatives to address the underlying causes of the protests.

As northeast Nigeria grapples with the challenges of hunger, economic instability, and insecurity, Truth Alliance remains committed to promoting peace and security. The organization calls on all stakeholders to prioritize dialogue and collaboration in finding sustainable solutions to the issues facing the region.

However, the Truth Alliance aims to empower communities in Borno and the northeast to resist violence and build a more secure future.

Ahmed Mustapha


The Truth Alliance




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